Using the very latest advancements, we are able to process standard or bespoke laminated glass to fulfill a variety of requirements. Explore our exciting decorative laminated glass processing to incorporate your custom interlayer for your next project. We can offer huge possibilities with our bespoke laminating from fabrics and artwork to diffused or add a delicate touch with our decorative mesh collection.
Having the ability to capture a range of materials between glass, has opened up many possibilities from the weird and the wonderful. Encapsulating various types of subjects that can adorn shopfronts, partitions, boardroom tables, floors, showers and privacy screens to dominate or make a statement for your next project.
Standard laminating is specified for various applications in the residential, commercial, hospitality and retail sectors, offering assured safety but remaining to keep simple clean lines. The simplicity, transparency and aesthetics with clear laminating has stood the test of time and is regularly specified to create the feel of openness and space.
Strong, robust, reliable, safe and beautiful are just a few comments that we receive from our clients, appreciating the transformation.
Openness or privacy, why not consider exploring the possibilities to create something quite unique and visually stunning for your next project with laminated glass.